Hi, I am

Aqel Hifzi Huzair

Graduate Game Developer \ Tester

I recently graduated from De Montfort University, studying Computer Games Porgramming (BSC)

Some of the units include:
Game Engine Architecture/Development
Shader programming
Fuzzy Logic

I am a person with an analitical mind. As such I love solving problems!

Programming really gives me a chance to give logical solutions to problems

I love every genre of video games, rangeing from Halo to Stardew Vallye, (except horror :>)

My favorite game currently is Warframe.

My Skills

C++ & C#

I am skilled at coding useing C++ and C# languages, which I learnt in my bachlores degree

Good code

Able to write clear, readable code, and knowledge of common techniques to achieve this


Ability to work cross-discipline and communicate ideas with non-technical staff

Good debugging skills

Understanding of debugging techniques such as breakpoints and watches. Ability to interpret the cause of a crash using debugging tools.

Some of the things I can use